Photo Proventure Vlogcast

Episode 00 - Photo Proventure Vlogcast Trailer


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Episode Transcript:

How do you level up your photography? Do you buy new gear or maybe another preset or a tutorial? I think there's more to photography than that.

Hey, my name is Matt Korinek and this is the trailer for the Photo Proventure Vlogcast.


In a trailer, I'm supposed to tell you how great this is going to be, how much you're going to learn and grow. But I can't guarantee that you're going to become a better photographer. Because it depends on you.

Taking action on the things that I talk about during the vlogcast is what's going to make the difference and going to get you closer to the photographer you want to be.

So if you're up for a challenge and open to thinking about photography in a different way, the Photo Proventure Vlogcast might just be for you.

What I can tell you is that I'll share ideas about photography, mindsets for success and actions you can take in a few different ways:

There'll be short blog-style episodes where I talk about a specific idea and how you can use it.

There will be coaching sessions with photographers just like you who are feeling stuck. It'll be my job to get them unstuck.

There may even be some discussions with some talented photographers who I admire. Teasing apart the secrets of what makes them so good.

But most of all, I want this to be about you. So I'll be answering your questions on the vlogcast.

 I hope you'll join me.